
The Best Time to Drive in California

The tormented know this feeling all too well. You’re jammed in the middle of rows and aisles of cars on…


2018 Texas Traffic Laws

As is the case with most states in the union, Texas is always updating its driving and Texas traffic laws…

Driving Safety

Is Olympic Bobsledding as Dangerous as Speeding?

We’ve all had that moment. Sitting at a red light on dry, empty pavement. The road ahead stretched out for…


What Happens at a DUI Checkpoint

For those curious about the on goings of a DUI checkpoint, we’re exhaling the process of a DUI checkpoint for…


California Times to Travel

Welcome to California, time traveler! Since you’re traveling through space and California times to vacation in the Golden State, it’s…

New Jersey

New Jersey Facts For The Adventurer

You’re seeking a coming-of- age story—you, your best friends, and the open road. Or, you’re middle-aged, trying to escape suburbia…

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