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Most Recent in DUI

NYSP Rolling Checkpoint Nets Six DUI

New York State Police know everyone’s been talking about distracted drivers lately, but don’t think they aren’t keeping an eye on **speeding**, reckless driving, and driving under the influence of…

October 1, 2024

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Missouri Cracks Down On DUI And Seatbelt Neglect

The Missouri Department of Transportation is teaming up with state police and local cops to push seat belt laws and catch drivers who’ve had too much to drink. These departments…

September 29, 2024

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Texas Police Aim To Curb DUI Repeats

Texas lawmakers enacted a **tougher law** last September for drivers caught with blood alcohol levels **double** the legal limit. The goal is to scare off repeat offenders, especially since Texas…

September 27, 2024

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Michigan DUI Crackdown Nets 400

Michigan police don’t put up with drunk driving at all. They’re totally against it, just like cops everywhere in the U.S. If they catch someone driving while high or drunk,…

September 27, 2024

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Arizona Lightens Up (A Little) On DUI Offenders

Arizona used to be one of the rare states that made first-time DUI offenders install an interlock device on their cars for a whole year after getting convicted. That’s **changing**…

September 26, 2024

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DUI And NBA = Jail Time

Jayson Williams found out the hard way that driving drunk is a **surefire** path to tickets, losing your license, and, like in his case, spending a year in jail. Williams has been serving his time at…

September 23, 2024

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Police Teaming Up To Find Drunk Drivers This Weekend

Thinking of having a blast on St. Patrick’s Day? Make sure to plan for a safe and sober ride home because New York police…

September 22, 2024

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Texas DOT Aiming For Drunk Drivers

**Don’t mess with Texas**. Drinking and driving there could lead to major trouble. Distracted driving might be getting a lot of attention lately, especially after the National Transportation Safety Board…

September 21, 2024

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Colorado Targets ‘Stoned’ Drivers For DUI

Some Colorado legislators want to broaden what “driving under the influence” means to cover being high on marijuana. Although no definitive study has been done, analysts theorize that there are…

September 20, 2024

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Second California DUI Earns You A Suspended License

Getting caught for drunk driving in California while on DUI probation means your **license** will be suspended. How **long** it stays suspended depends on…

September 19, 2024

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