It can be a hard time when you have to deal with a traffic ticket. You're looking at financial strain, points on your license, and possibly even higher insurance premiums. The financial effects can really take a toll, but perhaps the most significant penalty is that you may have your license suspended.

After receiving a ticket, you are able to choose whether or not you want to plead guilty and pay your ticket or take the case to court. In any case, you need to know what information was written on your ticket so you meet the deadlines, pay the right fees, and go to the correct court.

Keep reading to find out more about IN traffic violations.

When Getting a Ticket

After being pulled over for a traffic offense, you will need to present a driver's license, registration, and insurance documents.

If you are unable to show any of these items, you may be looking at added fines and penalties.

The ticket has information that you will need later, so don't be careless with it. On it, you'll see:

  • The violation.
  • The amount of the fine.
  • The date by which you must pay.
  • Your court date.
  • Which court you need to attend.

Traffic Violations and Your Indiana Driving Record

After you receive a ticket, the Indiana BMV will receive notice of the infraction, and it will be tacked onto your record. For any violation, there is a point value attached to it. These points are glued to your license for two whole years.

Below is a list of offenses and how many points each comes with. Getting too many points against your license in a short timeframe means big consequences, which may include having to finish a defensive driving course or even having your license suspended.

IN Driver's License Points

With each violation, you're looking at a certain number of points. Of course, the more severe the offense, the more points that will be added against your license.

Some violations and their corresponding points are shown below:

  • 1-15mph over the limit=2 points
  • Failing to use headlights=2 points
  • Dysfunctional brake or signal lights=2 points
  • 16-25mph over limit=4 points
  • Non legal U-turn=4 points
  • Dangerous lane shift=4 points
  • Motorcycle passenger offense=4 points
  • 26+mph over the limit=6 points
  • Failing to yield or stop=6 points
  • Tailgating too closely=6 points
  • Driving with a suspended license=8 points
  • Failing to yield to emergency vehicle=8 points
  • Racing=8 points

Tickets and Car Insurance

Throughout the year, your car insurance company will check your driving record to make adjustments to your insurance rates.

Even a small violation can cause your rates to go up, causing higher monthly payments. In fact, a few small violations can add up to just as much if not more than a severe violation. All of these points racking up can also put you at a higher risk for a license suspension.

In very severe instances, your insurance provider may drop you altogether. Then, you must look around for a new insurance agency, and you'll likely be a high risk take-on, which could severely limit your options and ensure you have a significantly higher premium.

For those who have just recently received a traffic violation or possess many points against their driver's license, you might be worried about how much of an impact it has on your insurance premium. To find out, it's recommended that you call your insurance company.

It's important to know that all who operate a vehicle in Indiana must show they are able to handle financial responsibilities; therefore, when you get dropped by your insurance company, you're required to find a new one.