Driving Safety

Defensive Driving Course vs. Driver’s Education

As one of the top online schools that offer Defensive Driving courses, Traffic School and Driver’s Ed classes, we get…

Driving Safety


You got caught speeding or making an illegal left turn in Florida, now what do you do? The easiest, and…

Driving Safety

New Laws for Florida Drivers in 2017

Last year drivers in Florida saw new regulations intended to correct dangerously slow drivers. Only Florida, right? There are no…

Driving Test

How to Attend Traffic School – Then and Now

If you have traffic infractions and want to get them erased from the record, then traffic school could be a…

New York

Where is NYC?

Planning on visiting New York City (NYC) soon? If so, then you will want to learn more about the Big…

Car Safety

A New Definition for Driver

When someone says the word, “driver”, what pops into your mind? If you are like most people, you probably think…

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