Whether you received a red light ticket for a failure to stop at on St. George Street in St. Augustine, or got pulled over for an illegal turn at an intersection in downtown Pensacola, you could be on the hook for some serious money. Receiving a traffic ticket in Florida can not only put a severe dent in your wallet, but you'll also be assessed points that could result in a license suspension or worse.

Red light ticket penalties in Florida are based on the stage of your ticket. The stage of your ticket is determined by how long it's been since you've received your citation. So, what are you facing if you're issued a red light ticket in Florida?

In short, your Florida red light citation can vary, but expect to pay at least $158 and as much as $544 or more depending on your circumstances.

Let's take a look at a more detailed breakdown:





1 — Notice of Violation $158 0
2 — Uniform Traffic Citation $277 3-4
3 — Suspension $544 3-4

Florida Red Light System Explained

The price of your ticket may vary based on the jurisdiction issuing it, whether or not you received it via a police officer or a red light camera. Regardless of how it was issued to you, all tickets will follow the same process.

Stage 1 is a Notice of Violation. This notice does not count as a traffic ticket. Pay it by the listed due date and you will not be assessed any license points, nor will you be subject to an increase in your insurance premiums.

Stage 2 means that your red light ticket has become a uniform traffic citation. You will receive an official ticket in the mail within 60 days. Once received you must pay within 30 days. Though the cost of your red light ticket will be more expensive, you must pay it within 30 days or your license will be automatically suspended.

Stage 3 means a suspension In addition, points will be added to your license, your citation will be sent to collections at double the cost, and your insurance premiums may rise.

Florida Point Suspension

As you accumulate points on your license, you will run the risk of triggering a suspension. So, 12 points within 12 months will result in a 30-day suspension. The length of this suspension will increase as you accumulate more points within 18 and 36 months.

Points stay on your license for 36 months before clearing. Additionally, it is possible to reduce the number of points on your record by taking a DMV-approved driver improvement program.

No one likes getting a red light ticket, but failing to address it can cause long-term problems for the state of your license, your insurance rate, and potentially, your freedom. Getting ahead of the issue is the best course of action, and knowing what you'll need to pay is the first step toward resolving your red light ticket.