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  • Certificate in 30 minutes

Louisiana Defensive Driving


  • Certificate in 30 minutes


Got questions? We've got answers!

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every step of the way.

MyImprov's Louisiana Defensive Driving Course is a comprehensive online program designed to equip Louisiana drivers with essential defensive driving skills, comprehensive knowledge of traffic laws, and proven safe driving techniques. Our course is aimed at enhancing road safety and reducing accidents.

Absolutely! Enrolling in our course voluntarily can often make you eligible for valuable discounts on your auto insurance premiums. We recommend checking with your insurance provider to confirm eligibility and the discount percentage offered.

Our self-paced structure allows you to learn at your convenience. Feel free to log in and out as needed, and your progress will be automatically saved and can be accessed from any device!

Yes, under certain conditions, you may be eligible to take our course to have a traffic ticket dismissed. Eligibility criteria depend on the nature of the violation and your driving history. For precise details, consult the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles or the court processing your violation.

Yes, our course concludes with a final exam consisting of multiple-choice questions aligned with the course content. Don’t worry, you’ll get as many attempts as you need to pass!

Absolutely! We understand life can be busy. Our online format allows you to take breaks as needed. You can pause and resume your progress seamlessly – your work will be saved for your convenience.

While our course is designed for self-paced learning, there might be a maximum time limit set by the course provider. For specific details, please visit our website or contact our dedicated customer support team.

Yes, upon successfully finishing the course and passing the final exam, you'll receive downloadable proof of completion for your records. Once you receive your certificate you will be responsible for submitting it to the local traffic court in charge of your case, auto insurance company, or the Louisiana OMV.

Typically, you're allowed to take the course for point reduction once every three years. To ensure eligibility and review course guidelines, please consult the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles.

Can't find what you need?

We're here to help you
every step of the way.

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So how do I take care of my
traffic ticket?

  • 1.Sign Up.
  • 2.Take the course.
  • 3.Get Your Certificate.
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