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  • Certificate in 30 minutes

Hawaii Defensive Driving


  • Certificate in 30 minutes


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If you’ve recently been found guilty of a traffic violation or are looking to get lower insurance premiums, Hawaii defensive driving courses, also known as traffic school, may be an option for you.

Traffic school is usually helpful for the following:

  • Fulfill Hawaii traffic court requirements.
  • Earning discounts with your car insurance company.

Even if you have not been required to take the class, it’s a great idea to sign up to improve your driving and to teach you valuable information as well as safe driving habits. This could help to prevent any crashes and citations in the future.

  • If you decide to voluntarily complete a Hawaii traffic school course, many insurance companies offer discounts on your auto insurance.
  • Most discounts are offered to senior citizens or teenagers, but you should still check with your insurance company to see if you may be eligible as well

  • The Hawaii traffic court will let you know if you are a good candidate for traffic school or a driver improvement course based on your specific situation.
  • If you are able to take a course to dismiss your ticket, the court will look at it on a case-by-case basis.
  • If you are ultimately approved to complete the course you will be given a deadline by the court to complete it online or in a classroom.

Our final exam consists of a single question, and you'll get unlimited attempts to pass!

Certainly! Our user-friendly format acknowledges the demands of your schedule. You can pause and resume your progress effortlessly – your work will be saved for your convenience.

Once you have completed and passed the final exam you will be provided with proof of completion.

Your certificate must be provided to the court processing your citation, Hawaii DMV or your insurance company to receive credit for taking the defensive driving course.

Can't find what you need?

We're here to help you
every step of the way.

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So how do I take care of my
traffic ticket?

  • 1.Sign Up.
  • 2.Take the course.
  • 3.Get Your Certificate.
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