Driving Safety

Who Are The Worst Drivers

Right now, students at Improv Traffic School are learning (or relearning!) the rules of the road. And we hope they…

Driving Safety

Comedy Defensive Driving & Why Certain Tickets Exist

Traffic violations exist so you’re as safe as the other drivers on the road. Since it’s as difficult to learn…

Car Insurance

Defensive Driving Towards Point Systems

Points are generally considered a positive mark of excellence in certain fields of work, which is why comedy defensive driving…

Car Insurance

What You Didn’t Know About Comedy Defensive Driving

The worst possible scenario has happened. You may have hit the snooze button one too many times, or perhaps you…

Car Insurance

How to Make the Most of a Comedy Traffic School

It’s not just the bad drivers with many tickets on their driving record who attend a comedy traffic school. In…

Driving Safety

How a Comedy Traffic School Can Keep You on the Roads

As you know, everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately, making mistakes while driving can lead to the rescission of your driver’s license.…

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