Driving Safe with Pets in the Car

This week, we celebrate National Pet Day, so in addition to giving your furry friends some extra attention, let’s go over some practices while driving with pets that will ensure their safety as well as keeping you safe from taking traffic school.

Use a Harness

The first time you put a harness on your dog, your dog may object. However, if you make it a habit, your pets will quickly adjust to the new system, especially as the proper harness for your dog will fit comfortably and will still provide some room to move around.

Properly securing your dogs will also help protect them in the event of an accident, much in the way your seatbelt protects you. It will also prevent your dogs from jumping into your lap while you’re driving, which would cause an immediate distraction that could endanger both you and your fur babies.

The Window: Up or Down?

Everyone knows dogs love sticking their heads out the windows of moving cars, and they just look so cute and happy when they do. However, what your dog wants and what is best for your dog are not always the same thing. First, breathing in all that rushing air can be bad for your dog’s lungs. There is also the danger of debris kicked up by wind or other vehicles. Driving at 65 miles an hour, a tiny rock can make a crack in your windshield, which is made of glass meant to withstand the impact.

Your dog is not meant to withstand that impact, so the debris of the road can be a definite health hazard. Many dogs would enjoy a compromise instead. Keep the windows down an inch or two so they’ve got the fresh air coming in, but don’t roll the windows down so far they can stick their heads out.

Driving with Cats

The absolute best advice I’ve ever heard for driving with cats is DON’T. But if you absolutely must drive with your cat to somewhere farther than the vet’s office, you’ll want to take some precautions. Your cat probably hates the cat carrier, but it’s still the best tool to protect him or her while driving. Even if the inevitable ear-piercing meowing drives you crazy, the cat carrier is necessary to keep your feline friend in good health.

If you’re driving a long distance, you should also keep a small litter box in the car and allow your cat access to it whenever you stop, which should be frequently. You’ll also want to make sure your kitty has water available. Finally, be patient with your cat when the trip is over. He or she might not like you very much for a few days.


This is fairly common knowledge at this point, but it still happens, so it still bears repeating. A car that is not running air conditioning and has the windows up on a hot day can be twenty degrees hotter than the outside temperature within 10 minutes. As a human, you wouldn’t want to be trapped in a small space at 120 degrees. Now imagine doing that in a fur coat. Every year, thousands of pets (and children) die in hot cars. This can even happen with the windows cracked if the day is hot enough.

Several states have even taken action about this issue by enacting “Good Samaritan” laws that will allow passerby to break the windows of unattended cars with dogs inside. So keep both your dog and your car safe by taking your dog with you when you leave the car, or leaving your dog at home, where it’s cool and safe.

Safe Driving Behind All Types of Wheels

Driving has become something that we more or less take for granted. It is a habit that we have developed to help us with our daily lives. Whether it be taking the kids to and from school or going to work, driving should be viewed as one of our most prized privileges. For any of you who have ever lost your driving privileges, you know how difficult it can be to get to where you need to go.

There are many ways to lose your driving privileges, but there are also many avenues for keeping them. For example, one of the best things you can do to learn about the various ways to maintain your driving privileges is by taking part in an online traffic school California permit class. Also, if you have acquired a traffic violation, you should consider going to traffic school so that the violation does not stay on your driving record. For now, let’s take a look at the oilfield and how traffic violations play a huge part in oilfield fatalities.

What Do You Think About It?

Did you know that thinking while you are driving can actually be a problem when your thoughts are focused on something either than properly driving your car? When you aren’t focused on the things going on around you, such as the speed of the cars in front of you or whether you have fastened your seatbelt, this greatly increases your odds of being involved in an accident and getting injured. In fact, speed and seatbelt use just so happen to be the two largest contributing factors to oil-field related deaths. One might think that getting hurt on the rig might be the number one contributor, but it isn’t.

A Closer Look at the Data

The decade that took place between 2003 and 2013 was one that saw unprecedented growth in the oil and gas extraction industry. The size of the workforce doubled and saw an increase of 71 percent in the number of rigs being drilled. The CDC analyzed data relating to fatal occupational injuries in this industry and found that more than 33 percent of worker fatalities in the oil and gas extraction industry were caused by transportation incidents.

When looking at the details involved in these accidents, it is clear to see that there is a lack of attention contributing to the fatalities, such as speeding down the road at 70+ mph and not slowing down when getting close to town and the speed limit lowers to 35-45 mph. Data shows that the biggest contributors to these accidents are not related to road or weather conditions. Instead, they are driver-behavior related:

• Failure to control speed
• Lane change-passing
• Driver fatigue
• Driver inattention
• Faulty evasive action

What Action Is Being Taken?

Fortunately, these data points and statistics are leading to positive action being taken by a variety of coalitions, including the Permian Road Safety Coalition, which is working in conjunction with the Texas Department of Transportation, as well as with other industry experts, to assess the causes of fatalities and properly address them.

For example, they have studied why drivers still after all these years are failing to wear their seatbelts. The truth is, though, this action is simply a bad habit. Oilfield workers get in and out of their vehicles numerous times throughout the day, making it a nuisance to many of them to put on and take off their seatbelt. This type of bad habit must be altered, and thankfully, a simple in-the-truck reminder is all it takes to get drivers to start wearing their seatbelts. Such reminders can come through an In-Vehicle-Monitoring Solutions (IVMS) program.

What Is an IVMS Program?

This type of program is becoming more popular because it helps companies curb recordable driving incidents. The system will provide immediate feedback to drivers when they are taking part in one or more activities that put them at risk for an accident or injury, such as not wearing their seatbelt or speeding.

The Conclusion

It is important to note that new workers to the oilfield have a greater chance of being involved in an accident because of a lack of experience in driving in the oil patch, as well as inexperience in driving industry-specific equipment. This is why it is all the more important for fleet vehicles to be properly monitored with an IVMS.

Does New York offer free driving lessons for low income families?

If you don’t know how to drive a car, need driving lessons or don’t have a legal driver license to be able to do it in New York, you know first-hand how debilitating that can be. You don’t have the freedom to just get into a car to go to the store, out to eat or, most importantly, to work.

Now, if you’ve lost your license because of too many violations or can’t afford the insurance rates of operating a vehicle, taking a defensive driving course online is an ideal way to reduce both license points and insurance rates to making driving feasible. But if you don’t know how to drive altogether, it’s a completely different story.

This matter can become even more complicated if you don’t have the financial means necessary to acquire drivers training. A lack of a license can spell difficulty getting or keeping a job, for instance. The good news for New Yorkers is that there are various programs offered that aim to assist low-income individuals and families on this matter.

What is the New York Drives program?

If you can’t drive, it’s going to be difficult for you to get a job.

That’s the thinking behind the New York Drives program, which provides drivers training and a path toward getting a license for low-income professionals. Organized by Brooklyn Workforce Innovations, the program is accepting of all New York residents, especially those in the 18 to 24 age group.

The program is six weeks long and consists of all the education and skills that an individual would need to earn a driver license in the state. The first three weeks of the program are designed to enhance professional development, and the final three weeks are dedicated to driving instruction.

Another neat thing about the New York Drives program is that it puts people on the path to employment after they earn their driver license. After passing their road test, program entrants are enrolled into training programs that lead to employment. Some of the jobs that it connects graduates with include trade workers, security professionals, and TV and film set workers.

It can be tough to get into this program, however. Hundreds apply, yet organizers say that only about 75 can be taken each year. If you think you’d be a good fit, New York Drives hosts informational sessions for prospective students.

Are there other options for low income families?

If you don’t qualify for the New York Drives program or just don’t think that it’s the right fit for you, there are other low-cost options for you to earn your license in New York. One route to a legal license is through a government training program. Some driving schools, for instance, work with the government to put individuals on the path to acquiring a CDL, or commercial driver license.
Because CDL jobs are in demand, these types of programs provide a good opportunity for people to get legally licensed and then have the inside track on a job opportunity following licensing. Some of the driving schools involved even offer what they call “job ready training.” While costs may vary based on the driving school that you work with, many of the government programs are free to qualified individuals.

Whether you’re new to the country and living in New York or unable to afford a traditional driver’s training program, the state offers several opportunities for low-income individuals to get the training they need to earn a license. For special programs to government training, there are options for people if they know where to look for them.

Officer Gives Heartwarming Surprise

If you have been wondering where all the humanity in our world went, all it takes is a bit of digging to find the good people. They are everywhere and there was recently a story that popped up from the St. Louis area. A man was driving his 5-year-old niece home from her chemo appointment when he was pulled over by a officer for a routine traffic stop. On the surface, this may not sound like a good story, but the situation takes a positive turn.

Matthew Manley was the man who was pulled over and when he saw the police car, he immediately knew what he had done wrong. He had been delaying the transfer of his new license plates for a bit of time and he knew that this would result in getting a citation, which is something you learn in a MO Driver Improvement course. Manley had been driving his niece back and forth to chemotherapy for cancer treatment every day which did not make the day any easier.

After the officer cited him a ticket for his license plates, he then went back to the police car and started rummaging through his trunk. Manley did not know what to think and even sent a text to his wife Dana because he was a bit scared! He was timid thinking about what was going to happen next. Manley was nervous until the police officer, Shawn Birdsong, returned to his vehicle and had a pink backpack in his hands. He gave the bag to Manley and said that it was for his niece and he hoped that it would help brighten her spirits.

Inside the bag was a note from the officer Shawn Birdsong to Manley’s niece that said he hoped she felt better soon. There were also some clothes, toys, and art supplies contained inside the bag. Manley was so moved by the act that he not only thanked the officer for his kindness, but he also shared the story on his Facebook page and thanked the officer again there. This was such a heartwarming act that meant so much to the Manley family and the little girl.

The Facebook post eventually reached Birdsong again and he then called the Manley family to thank them. Since then, he has called back to check on the little girl 3 or 4 times. He has gone above and beyond his role by showing this compassion for the little girl. He had the backpack in his truck at the time because he was participating in Project Backpack St. Louis which puts together backpacks with comfort items and necessities for children. He saw it as the perfect opportunity to help make the day of this little girl a bit better, especially since she was going through such a trying and difficult time.

If you are looking to stay out of trouble while driving, consider taking a course through the best traffic school online and remember to show compassion to others all season long.

Math Calculates that You’re the Reason Behind Traffic Jams

There’s nothing worse than a traffic jam, especially one that you must sit in day after day. And while some traffic jams are justified by construction or some type of vehicular accident, there are many that aren’t. You look around to see what has caused the delay, but for the life of you, nothing out of the ordinary seems to be taking place. The only reasonable answer is that the traffic gods have, once again, conspired to make you late.

What or Who Creates a Traffic Jam?

If the traffic gods aren’t against you, why is it that everyone is bumper to bumper? Why is traffic moving so slow if there is not even any construction or accident? According to a study published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportations Systems, there is a mathematical model that demonstrates the problem very well could be the fact that you’re not keeping the right distance from the car behind you. Wait? You’re probably asking yourself, did I just read that right? Not keeping the right distance from the car behind me? How is that even possible?

So, what can you do if you don’t have control over the cars behind you, yet you are supposed to be maintaining an appropriate distance from them? Doesn’t this sound like a recipe for disaster? Truth is, you need to implement your senses to better drive an appropriate distance from everyone on the road and avoid having to go ca traffic school for a traffic violation. Math has shown that when people are able to keep an equal distance between the cars ahead of them and behind them, this equal space helps maintain a more orderly fashion on the highway. In fact, traffic moves almost twice as quickly when equal space between all cars is maintained.

Understanding Emergent Property

Emergent property is the formation of something incredibly complex by smaller entities. Take for example a murmuration; this is when starlings, thousands upon thousands of them, come together and form a shifting blob. The outcome is incredible and beautiful, but most people are left asking themselves, how do the birds move so quickly without flying into one another?

Another example is when you see bats in movies fly out a small hole in a cave. Millions of them can exit a small hole in a small amount of time without ever flying into one another. Berthold Horn, a famous author, states, “the assumption is that they’re actually aware of bats all around them, not just in front, and that’s why hundreds of thousands of them can come out of a very narrow cave and not collide.” It is important to note, however, that bats have the luxury of using both echolocation and their sight to achieve their emergent property capabilities. Therefore, it is pertinent for us to start using everything at our disposal to improve traffic flow on the highway, with some of the most notable methods being to take advantage of today’s advanced technology.

Without the use of technology, a human doesn’t have the capability to calculate distances both in front and behind them simultaneously. Control systems that can perform these calculations are essential to avoiding an emergent property catastrophe. Have you ever heard of adaptive cruise control? This feature helps follow cars ahead of you at a certain distance, and when side and back sensors are added, this can help maintain equidistance. And while this seems like a viable solution, it must be realized that for this to work well, most cars on the road would need to be taking advantage of this equidistance technology.

Is equidistance technology the next big thing? Find a traffic school near me to learn more.

How to Travel to NY’s Top Restaurants

There are a lot of different ways that you can travel to New York and in New York. When you are wanting to get to some of the top restaurants in the area, you have a lot of options that you can use. Whether you will be traveling to the restaurants on your own or with a big group of friends, you can utilize one of these top options for transportation within the city.


One of the most popular options to take within the city is the subway. One of the best things about New York is that they have an extensive transportation system that includes an underground subway system to get you to basically any destination in the city. If you are wanting to take the subway to get there, you will want to make sure you know the right trains take as well as the right stops. The subway stop may not be right at the restaurant location, so you will also want to know where to go once you get off the subway.


Another great way to get around the city and reach your restaurant location choice is by taking a taxi. There are taxi cabs all over the city and you can get in one at the drop of a hat. One of the benefits of taking a taxi is that they can pick you up wherever you are and take you to any place that you need to go. That means they can drop you off right at the front door of the restaurant if that is what you want. This does tend to be a slightly more expensive option in the city, though so you should be prepared to pay a bit more for the fare.


New York City is a very walkable city and if the destination is not too far, you can walk to the restaurant that you want to go to. This is an option that does not cost you any money at all and you may find a great store or dessert stop along the way that you may not have noticed before. If you want to enjoy a walk and you have a bit of extra time, all you need to know is make sure you know where you are walking to, so you don’t get lost and then put on your walking shoes.


Another great option for New York if you have a car is to drive on your own. This is very similar to taking a taxi, but you do not have to pay anyone a fare to get to your destination. Of course, driving in New York can be a bit challenging so unless you are a professional, taking a NY defensive driving course will help you safely drive in the area. When traveling with friends and family, everyone can save a bit of money on the transportation- so they can spend more at the restaurant.

No matter what option you choose for your transportation, you will likely have to use a combination of a few options, unless you drive yourself. NY defensive driving is the key to success, however, and you do not want to get on the roads without it. Also, taking an online defensive driving course will save New Yorkers 10% off their auto insurance for 3 years! You can safely navigate the roads and all the potential hazards on the roads of New York City while setting aside money for your favorite restaurants.

Driving Range & Driving Ranges Near Me

The best golfers head on out to the driving range on a regular basis. The golfer’s driving range is akin to the baseball player’s batting cage and the football player’s tackling dummy. This is the space to perfect your technique, get all those mistakes out of your system and develop muscle memory.

Why Regular Visits to the Driving Range are Worth the Money

Think back to the last time you spent an hour on the driving range. You likely thought long and hard about the nuances of your golf swing. Perhaps you worked out a kink that was responsible for your slice or hook. Maybe you experimented with different grips, back swings, follow-throughs or other subtleties. This is the small stuff that gradually adds up to determine your success on the course. You need ample time on the driving range to perfect your technique and become comfortable with each of the clubs in your bag. Just make sure you do not speed to get there, you may need to take a defensive driving course or traffic school to dismiss the speeding ticket.

Another excellent reason to drive on out to the range at least once per week is to befriend others who golf. This is an excellent opportunity to press the flesh with fellow golfers, round out your foursome and possibly even network with other professionals. If you are especially shy and hesitant to interact with others, try to key in on a conversation starter like GolfNow. This is a web-based tee time booking service for local golf courses. Ask others at the range if they have any experience with such online booking services for tee times and you just might establish the foundation for a friendship that lasts a lifetime.

If you don’t have the opportunity to introduce yourself to others at the golf range, you can still benefit from their presence. Take a step back from your tee and watch others “swing the sticks”. Pay particularly close attention to those who are striking the ball well and you just might learn something you can incorporate into your own swing.

Driving Ranges Have Evolved

If it has been years or decades since you visited a local golf driving range, it is time to dust off the clubs and head on out to check out all the high-tech advances. Modern day golf driving ranges are much different from those of yesteryear. Some feature golf simulators in the clubhouse. Other ranges like Top Golf make use of golf ball tracking technology that lets you know exactly how far and fast your golf ball traveled after you hit it.

This is accomplished by placing tiny microchips in golf balls to track driving time statistics. So, don’t assume a morning, afternoon or evening at the driving range will be uneventful. You can spend an hour at the golf simulator, an hour blasting away at golf balls tracked with computer chips and another hour or two socializing in the clubhouse over beers with fellow golfers.

Spice up Your Driving Range Experience

If you are hesitant to visit the driving range because you suspect it will be a bit boring, think again! Get creative by competing in an array of driving games with your friends and others at the range. See who can hit the ball the farthest and straightest. Have the loser buy a round for the rest of the crew. Increase the challenge and enjoyment by swinging with putters instead of drivers. Blasting a golf ball with a putter takes considerable strength and precision.

More importantly, going all out with your putter in-hand is fun! Liven up your driving range experience with such off-the-wall ideas and the experience will prove that much more memorable. So, go ahead and search the web for “driving range near me”, grab your golf clubs and head on out for some fun couple hours on the range.

How Does Uber Work? How Does Lyft Work?

Uber and Lyft and ride sharing, oh my! Yes, more and more people these days are realizing the cost-saving and convenience benefits that Lyft drivers and Uber drivers now offer based on the respective platforms that they drive for. This post will answer, “How does Uber work,” and “How does Lyft work?” We will also take a closer look at the option of ride sharing and why it’s becoming such a preferred alternative to taxis. Also, when you don’t drive, you don’t get traffic tickets! Ride sharing helps drivers clean up their driving record without having to take traffic school or a defensive driving course.

How to use Uber

How to Uber, you ask? How to use Uber app? It’s really simple:

• Step 1: Download the mobile app. It’s available for free in the app store.
• Step 2: Enter your credit card information in the payment option part of the app.
• Step 3: Set a destination.
• Step 4: Select the type of Uber vehicle you want to ride in.
• Step 5: Hit “Confirm Uber” to schedule your pickup.

After confirming your pickup, you’ll be presented with information on how far away and how many minutes it’ll be until your scheduled driver arrives at your pickup location. The driver will use the Uber app as his/her directions to your destination.

How much does Uber cost?

It depends on a variety of factors, such as distance, time of day (i.e., heavy traffic or light traffic) and whether any extraordinary events are taking place in the area at the time. For instance, there’s almost always a fare increase on New Year’s Eve and other busy days.

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make?

So just how much does Uber pay? It’s a tricky question to answer. When it comes to Uber, the more a driver drives, the more the driver has the potential to make. And Uber drivers have the luxury and flexibility of driving how much or how little they choose. According to data from Glassdoor, the average Uber driver typically makes about $30,000 a year. While Uber can seem like a more lucrative job option than just $30,000 a year, drivers must keep in mind that they don’t receive all the fare on each trip they drive. A small portion goes to Uber itself and then drivers must take into consideration fuel costs and vehicle maintenance.

Do you tip Uber drivers? Though optional, Uber now offers the ability to tip drivers following their ride. Just like everything else on Uber, tips are all handled through the mobile app and the credit card that’s on file.

Uber FAQs

Does Uber take cash

No, all Uber rider to driver payments are completed via the credit card on file with each user.

Is Uber safe?

Yes, all drivers must meet certain vehicle standards and must pass background tests to drive for Uber. They also are only hired following a personal interview. The hiring practices that Uber uses are all very similar to what taxi drivers go through before being hired. What’s more is that riders can rate drivers (and vice-versa) to somewhat self-police the ride sharing service.

What is UberX?

UberX is essentially a taxi that has an agreement with Uber. So, it’s like you’ll be riding in a taxi, but can still pay conveniently and easily with the Uber app.

How much do Lyft drivers make?

Though Lyft’s business model is like Uber’s, Lyft drivers can earn weekly bonuses, referral bonuses and can receive their payouts whenever they want.

What’s the major value proposition of services like Uber and Lyft?

It’s cheaper and more convenient than a taxi cab. People like how they can just get into and out of a car and not have to worry about paying when arriving at their destination. Uber drivers’ cars are usually much nicer, cleaner and newer than taxi cab vehicles as well.

Top Halloween Costumes for People Who Love Driving

How much do we love Halloween?

More and more every year, according to the National Retail Foundation, which predicts total spending to exceed $9.1 billion this year, a big jump from $8.4 billion in 2016, and $6.9 billion in 2015.

This figure includes anything and everything spooky, from Halloween decorations to bags and bags of candy for trick-or-treaters. Costumes represent more than $3 billion of the total, for pets and for people.

Some Halloween costume classics never go out of style, like witches, pumpkins, or superheroes. Others come and go depending on what’s happening in current culture, from political people to characters from Hollywood.

It’s certainly fun to be part of current trends when trying to come up with Halloween costume ideas, but this year, it probably will mean that you’ll be one of dozens of clowns from “It” at the next party.

Or you can come up with a costume that means something to you and will stand out from the rest of the pack, much like a sweet high-performance sports car becomes the most noticeable vehicle on the road.

There are all sorts of auto-related Halloween costumes that can be fun for you and your Halloween date to buy or put together using props and pieces from a Halloween Express or Halloween City location. Just make sure your costume does not obstruct your driving! We wouldn’t want you to think about taking traffic school to dismiss your ticket during the night!

Try these suggestions:

Driver and mechanic

Coveralls with patches from brands and a helmet can make you a NASCAR driver, and the same colored coveralls and a tool box and headset can make you part of the driver’s pit crew. Or perhaps greasy coveralls and a wrench can make you a garage owner, opposite a customer.

Meter maid/man

Walk around with keys and change or write on things with chalk. Or have fun writing people tickets for overtime or moving violations. People might get annoyed with you, which means the costume is working.

Drivers Ed teacher and student

If you’re the defensive driving instructor, you can be the calm one who isn’t bothered by anything, the nervous, jumpy one, or the angry, scary one. And there are plenty of theme variations for student costumes.

TV characters with cars

Anyone from the Dukes of Hazzard? If you remember the show, the outfits were mostly your basic redneck – jeans and shirts or overalls for the boys, and tight shorts for the girls. Complete the ensemble by occasionally cheering or playing “Dixie” if you do something daring. (Say you’re the OTHER other Duke cousins will get applause from TV history fans.)

Public safety

An EMT is an easy costume – a white shirt, a tool belt and rubber gloves. A firefighter also could be easy – a fire hat, although the jacket, suspenders and boots help. A police officer can also be fun, whether you’re a beat cop, an undercover agent or a motorcycle officer. The latter one can benefit from a helmet, boots and cool shades. Any of these can be enhanced by making siren noises and running around occasionally. You can also punch out the bottom of a cardboard box and put it around you and make it look like your ambulance, fire engine or police cruiser.

Anything zombie from the above list

Can zombies drive? Why not. Any of the previous costumes can all be easily zombie-fied by shredding the shirt/pants and splashing them with red paint or ink. Face make-up and groaning can enhance the look.

Anything sexy from the above list

Sexy firefighter involves less clothing, maybe fishnet stockings if you’re female, and no shirt or a tight shirt f you’re male. Sexy Daisy Duke would be especially memorable.

Mileage Calculator & Cars with Best Mileage

The cost of gasoline has dipped below $2.00 a gallon in some parts of the country. Enjoy the low prices now because they probably won’t last much longer. When the price of gas ticks upward people start to think about how many miles it takes to get from point A to point B and what it will cost to get there. Let’s check out the best mileage calculators and vehicles with the superior fuel efficiency.

Mileage Calculators

Type “mileage calculators” into a search engine and you will be provided with a seemingly endless number of results. Some mileage calculators shine brighter than the rest. Rand McNally offers a simple and easy-to-use mileage calculator. All you have to do is enter your start point and end point. The calculator will determine the length of the trip and how long it will take. The U.S. Department of Energy’s mileage calculator is a bit more complex. Select your vehicle’s year, make, model and mpg along with the trip’s start point and end point. The system does the rest. If you are in a rush to get to your destination and are slapped with a speeding ticket, be sure to enroll in a defensive driving course to keep your auto insurance and driver’s license in good standing.

MapQuest maps out routes and calculates mileage between two points. You can even use a business’s name as the start or end point for your trip. This is quite helpful if you do not know the exact address of the business you plan on visiting. Google Maps has one of the best distance calculation tools. It plots routes, allows you to add stops along your trip and instantly calculates mileage for each alteration.

Vehicles with the Best Fuel Efficiency

Toyota Prius Prime

This is the first-ever hybrid plug-in to join Toyota’s recently expanded Prius group. It sells for around $27,000 but the real savings are enjoyed in the context of fuel efficiency. This incredibly efficient ride provides 55 mpg in urban areas and 53 mpg on highways. The gas engine doesn’t kick in until the all-electric range reaches its limit.

Kia Niro

The Kia Niro is a fairly small sport utility vehicle that provides fantastic fuel economy. The Niro offers 52 mpg in cities and 49 mpg on highways. It has plenty of technological similarities to the Hyundai Ioniq. The engine is a 4-cylinder with 1.6 liters. It is paired with an electric motor to provide just under 140 horses of power. Yet the Niro doesn’t have a rough driving experience like so many other hybrid vehicles. It really feels like a traditional gas-powered vehicle. The best part is the Niro won’t break the bank. It has a starting MSRP of $22,980.

Hyundai Ioniq

The Ioniq provides 59 mpg on highways and 57 mpg in cities. This is one of the cheapest hybrid vehicles on the market with a starting with a MSRP of $22,200. The Ioniq is certainly a viable competitor in the hybrid segment. This compact ride has a 1.6 liter 4-cylinder engine tied to an electric motor. The Ioniq rolls along with the power of 139 horses. It has all sorts of high-tech features like Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, a 7-inch touch screen and a rearview camera.

Honda Accord Hybrid

This midsize vehicle offers 49 mpg in cities and 47 mpg on highways. Though you can certainly find a vehicle with superior fuel economy, it will be difficult to pinpoint one with the same cargo and seating space as this fuel-efficient hybrid. You’ll have to pay around $30,000 for the Accord hybrid yet it is chock full of snazzy features. Don’t forget that you’ll save plenty of money on fuel costs thanks to the new Accord’s fantastic fuel economy.

Top 10 Defensive Drivers in The World

Do you ever think while driving that you are truly one of the best defensive drivers in the world? You feel invincible because nobody has ever crashed into you… due to your impeccable ninja driving skills that manage to help you dodge all the bad drivers on the road… and you have even managed to never get a ticket by avoiding the police and speeding under the radar. You are truly one of the top defensive drivers in your hood, a master of driving! However, the below drivers may have you beat ?

1. Mad Max

I know what you’re thinking: Nobody from Mad Max can possibly be considered a great defensive driver. Think again! Have you seen all the armor on the Mad Max vehicles?! There is absolutely no possibility that another vehicle can get through that armor and damage their vehicle or hurt them!

2. Driving Miss Daisy

For those that are not familiar with the movie, an elderly woman, Miss Daisy, wanted to keep her independence, but ended up crashing her car. After she does this, her son arranges for her to have a chauffeur. Want to know the best way that you can be a safe, defensive driver? Don’t even drive at all! Have somebody else drive you around. You will never crash into anybody or get any tickets. Plus, you can have all the margaritas you want and still make it home safe!

3. Trojan Warrior

Back in the heyday of the Trojans, they galloped around in some pretty fancy chariots. Of course, these defensive drivers had their swords and shields to use for defensive purposes to protect themselves and their chariots. How could they not be safe drivers with all their armor?

4. An Individual with a Pillow Filled Car

Have you ever driven in a car that is filled to the brim with pillows? Of course not! Most people haven’t, but that one random individual that does travel in pillow heaven would have the benefit of being super safe with all that extra padding. It’s like driving on a cloud. Every hump and bump on the road is A-Okay because he does not feel a thing! Yay for money saved because it should keep the “bodily injury” costs down… hopefully!

5. A Driver on Carmageddon

The best Carmageddon drivers were witnessed in the original, when everyone was driving cars like yours and you had to kill them. Everyone was out for blood. Of course, some might argue that better defensive drivers are in the second version… because it is safer to drive when there are absolutely no other drivers/or when only zombies on the roadway. If nobody else is around, nobody can hit you. As a bonus, you can drive as crazy as you want and there’s nobody else around to get in your way!

6. Power Rangers

Anybody that grew up in the 90’s knows that the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers vehicles were pretty awesome and when they joined together, they formed the super-powerful Megazord. No villains or other vehicles, none the less, would possibly mess with the Megazord, if they came across it on the road.

7. Demolition Derby Driver

I know, I know, the whole point in a demolition derby is crashing and completing demolishing other vehicles, so this one is a shocker. However, within those cars, the driver has special racing straps/seatbelts, that keep them firmly in their seat. In addition, typically, there are alterations to the car to keep the driver safe. Plus, they must be skilled drivers to win!

8. Michelin Man

The Michelin Man would be the safest of safe drivers. He is just made of tires, fluff, and air, so any bumps on the road wouldn’t hurt a bit. He has been representing Michelin tires since 1894, so he should know a thing or two about cars and driving!

9. Bumper Car Driver

While bumper cars can get a tad bit bumpy, these drivers could not be any safer! Firstly, they never leave the amusement park. Careening down the path at a whopping top speed of 2 mph, they are far from fast and furious! Plus, they can only drive in one direction… in counter-clockwise circles… within a 50 ft. x 50 ft. pen! Most of the fellow drivers are children that are out to get their siblings or friends. Even if the driver comes across a child that happened to develop a personal vendetta against them upon first glance, they have that lovely bumper buffer to absorb the blows of their tiny attack. Plus, there is always a competent ride attendant present to chaperone all the hustle and bustle of the two-minute ride. Bump away!

10. Someone who hasn’t bathed in over 3 months

The smellier, the better to keep other cars away! They just need to roll the window down and let their au natural Eau de Parfum do the talking. Just like the Grinch, nobody would want to touch him or his car with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!

Do You Need a Car in New York?

The question of whether one needs a car in New York plaques many newcomers planning to move in here. To answer the question head on, you don’t need to own a car in NY! Therefore, if someone tells you that it is necessary, it’s because they have programmed their maneuverability within and without the city for years, and this might not work for you. Below is why you should think twice before deciding you need a car in New York.

It’s a Problem to Gas Up Your Vehicle

With the ever-growing human population in NY, which demands the use of every available inch of land to cater for housing needs, very little space has been left for gas stations. The net effect of this situation is that gas stations in NY are growing fewer and farther apart. This means that living in the city is no different to living in a “gas desert.” Therefore, if you don’t happen to live near a station, you’ll have to drive a distance to gas up and this increases your overall cost of living here.

High Cost of Garage Parking

Compared to other areas, one of the biggest hurdles to be a car owner in NY is the exorbitantly excessive cost of parking. Irrespective of whether you’re planning to buy an apartment or rent one here, you’ll definitely not avoid the high parking cost. If the apartment you want to buy comes with a parking spot, be guaranteed that the closing price will be inflated by at least $60,000 for it.

On the other hand, if you rent a spot in most of the NY apartments that have garages, expect to dig deeper into your pockets for a monthly cost of between $100 to $ 1000 as determined by the neighborhood you live in. Even for private garages, you’re not safe as they will charge you around $430 monthly.
What we’re trying to say here is, owning a car in NY you’ll end up spending what people in other cities pay as house rent just to keep your car safe indoors!

Alternate Side Parking is Problematic

Don’t even think that running away from the highly-charged garages to alternate-side parking will save your skin. Although you’ll retain some cash, you’ll be forced to make up for it in terms of logical hassle and your precious time, as getting an unoccupied spot proves daunting – sometimes you’ll have to circle for the spot the night before. Additionally, during snowstorms, you’ll need to get up so early to move your vehicle out of the way to allow for street cleaning, which can be very hectic for you.

Driving in NY Emotionally Drains

Thinking that NY roads will give you the best drive is misinformed because it feels like you’re playing a video game. You’ll have to swerve around bikers, move over for double-parked vehicles, dodge potholes, and change lanes often. Additionally, you’ve to be keen not to hit pedestrians, who are always busy talking on their cellphones, oblivious to the queue of vehicles waiting to cross. In short, it’ll be much more comfortable to use other means of transport than drive your own car on NY highways.

Final Thoughts

It isn’t advisable to own a car in NY given the many inconveniences it comes with – high parking cost, problematic alternate-side parking, ice & snow, and gas scarcity to name just a few of them. From a personal point of view NY rocks for public transportation, and you can always rent a vehicle for the weekends you plan to get out of the city

What Kind of Car Should I Get?

If you are in the market for a new or used vehicle, you might feel overwhelmed by the number of options. Don’t be paralyzed by the seemingly endless amount of information to sort through. The best way to figure out the perfect type of vehicle for your needs and desires is to spend some time reviewing what you require in an automobile and how it will be used.

Think About What You Need the Vehicle For

The type of vehicle you select should suit your specific automotive needs. Be practical with this decision. Always opt for function over form. Think about what you will use the vehicle for. Maybe you have a large family or own a business and need ample space to transport people/cargo. Consider the road conditions of your area and the places where you will venture for road trips. These conditions will partially determine whether you should purchase a vehicle with all-wheel drive. If you have an especially long commute to work or school, fuel efficiency should be a top priority.

If you have been injured in an accident in the past or if you are transporting youngsters, you should key in on vehicles with top-notch safety features. If you plan on taking the vehicle off-road or using it for towing, don’t opt for a diminutive sports car or sedan. You can whittle down the field to sport utility vehicles and trucks if you plan on embarking on off-road adventures or performing tows. Finally, consider the amount of space available on your property for parking. If you have a small garage or an especially narrow driveway, purchasing a monster sport utility vehicle, van or truck might not be prudent.

Vehicle Entrance and Exit

Sweat the small stuff when it comes to vehicle entry and exit. Think about who will ride in your vehicle. If you transport senior citizens or especially tall individuals, they will have difficulties entering a large sport utility vehicle or truck that requires the use of a stepladder for entrance. These individuals will also find it difficult to enter a low-slung sports vehicle.

Vehicle Handling

It is important to get a gauge of a vehicle’s handling before committing to a purchase or lease. If you have driven a specific style of car for most of your life, it is time to test drive other types of vehicles. Take a sports car, coupe, sedan, truck, sport utility vehicle and/or van for a ride. Get a feel for how each handles. You might find those midsize sedans you have been driving your entire life handle somewhat similar to crossover sport utility vehicles. If you end up getting a vehicle with crisp handling and rapid acceleration, don’t let the extra power result in a speeding ticket. If you are ticketed, enroll in a defensive driving course so you don’t end up with points on your driving record and a higher insurance rate.

Be sure to pick the salesman’s mind before, during and after your test drive. He will educate you about the ins and outs of each particular vehicle to help you decide on the perfect automobile for your unique needs. The salesman can also point you in the direction of a specific style of vehicle that suits your idiosyncratic requirements for handling, power etc.

Think About What You Desire in a Vehicle

Though automotive needs should always trump desires, this does not mean you should select a vehicle simply because it provides superior utility. After all, a minivan might suit your needs yet disappoint in the looks department. Find the right balance between utility and style, performance and high-tech niceties. Keep in mind that a practical vehicle with an attractive exterior, precise handling and an array of features will likely fetch a better price when the time comes to sell.

Were Car Radios Ever Illegal? Should They Be?

These days, we can’t imagine driving even to the corner store without listening to either a channel on the AM/FM signal that comes through our car’s antenna or the bevy of satellite radio channels that are available.

But car radios weren’t always such a luxury. In fact, when car radios first hit the scene in the 1920s, they weren’t only expensive, but they were somewhat of an inconvenience. Yes, the first car radios appeared in Chevrolet cars – and they were so big that they barely even fit into the car when you accounted for the size of their speakers, antennas and batteries.

My how things have changed.

Despite their initial awkwardness, radio technology advanced over the next decade to where they became smaller and more easily integrated into vehicles for drive-time entertainment. Around the time radios became more widely accepted, however, they were also met with some ire. In fact, many legislators believed that car radios caused a distraction – so much so that legislation was introduced in many states to fine drivers listening to car radios.

Government gets involved.

Specifically, in Minnesota and Missouri, legislation was introduced to completely ban car radios. Other states like New York, New Jersey, Ohio and Illinois introduced legislation that would fine drivers found to be operating while listening to their car radios. None of the legislation ever became law – but it wasn’t for the lack of vocal support for such bills.

Much like how texting and driving and cell phone use is associated with an uptick in auto accidents, many at the time believed that car radios led to more accidents on the road. Those in support of car radios argued the opposite, and that listening to car radios kept drivers more engaged on the road. Those in support of car radios were eventually found to be correct in their belief, as no formal study ever connected listening to the radio in a car with an increase in auto accidents.

Should Car Radios be Banned?

There was no scientific data to suggest that car radios led to more auto accidents back in the 1930s when the issue was being seriously debated – and there’s no evidence to suggest that things have changed in the present day.

Yes, drivers aren’t without distractions these days – perhaps more now than ever when you take smart phones into consideration. But the car radio doesn’t just serve as an entertainment medium while drivers are commuting from Point A to Point B, it also serves a much larger purpose:


Radio helps drivers learn of accidents and weather conditions while they’re on the road, helping them to better navigate routes and plan. Drivers can also catch up on the latest local, national and world headlines as they commute.


The car radio has also led to a whole new entertainment industry. Radio stations these days are big business, and it is largely those that listen while they’re in the car that drive ratings, advertising dollars and success for said stations.


Just because it’s worth mentioning again, radio also helps entertain drivers while they’re on the go. In their cars, they can listen to the baseball game, their favorite pop, rock or country stations, or their favorite news station. With the variety of radio stations available today – not to mention the options that satellite radio also provides – it’s hard for drivers to not be entertained while they’re on the go.

Let’s Keep ’Em Legal!
We take car radios for granted today, but they were once nearly outlawed in some states. Yes, they can be a distraction – but so can just about anything in the car if not treated responsibly. For more information on minimizing distraction while you’re behind the wheel, contact our defensive driving course today.

What is a Space Cushion?

A space cushion. This is something they tell you about in defensive driving class. What is a space cushion? It sounds top secret. Like something, NASA and the government need to keep hidden in order to protect us from beings from outer space. That’s right. Space beings. Aliens. Martians from a distant planet, maybe Mars, who have entered our atmosphere and are looking for a way to relax. After all, space travel must be exhausting. Imagine sitting there, in your UFO spacecraft seat, for millions of miles. Completely tiring. No wonder those men from Mars need a space cushion. A place to lay down their big brainy heads for a little cat nap.

No, sorry, that’s not what a space cushion is. Although, that is a novel idea. So, what exactly is a space cushion?

What is a Space Cushion?

A space cushion is an area around your vehicle that is just empty space. No other vehicles are in that space. The space cushion area includes the space in front of, behind, and on both sides of your car.

Why Have a Space Cushion?

A space cushion gives you time and opportunity to avoid collision with another vehicle. If you don’t have a space cushion, then any sudden movements by other vehicles can catch you with no way out of the situation. In fact, with no space cushion around your vehicle, you have limited options if you yourself have a sudden emergency or a sudden movement. Consider this: Imagine you’re driving in your car, and one of your tires blows. The sudden drop in tire pressure will likely cause your vehicle to swerve dramatically to one side. You obviously won’t know which side your car will swerve on, because it came out of the blue. You could swerve right into another car, or even a pedestrian. This is why you want to have a space cushion.

How to Make a Space Cushion

First, you don’t need sewing lessons to make a space cushion. We thought we cleared up all that nonsense about aliens needing naps about two paragraphs ago. So please put away the needle and thread. And the thimble. Okay, let’s get down to the business of defensive driving by making a space cushion.

First, you want to have at least a three-second delay from the rear end of the vehicle in front of you to the front of your car. This is the easiest part of the space cushion to make. As you’re driving, pay attention to the signs on the side of the road. If you’re on the freeway, you can use the signs overhead. As the car in front passes by the sign, count to three (yes, you can use Mississippi). Your car shouldn’t pass that same sign before you’ve reached three. If it has, you’re following too closely. Slow down, Speed Racer.

Second, you want the car behind you to slow down so there’s a three-second delay between you. Now, you can’t tell that driver how to drive. But you can let that driver pass if he insists on tailgating you, (maybe he has to get to a bathroom or something. Who knows)? Anyway, just let him go by.

Finally, you don’t want any cars next to you. How do you manage this? By adjusting your speed either up or down so that you aren’t riding along with James Dean’s style in some kind of misconceived road race on the highway.

Now that you know what a space cushion in, why it’s necessary, and how to make one, you’d best be on your way. Leave plenty of time between your departure and your arrival so you’re never the one tailgating.

What Information is on my Driving Record and Who Can See it?

Your driving record can have a major impact on your life. It affects your auto insurance rates, can affect your ability to get a job driving, and can even impact whether a police officer gives you a ticket or not. Unfortunately, most people do not know a lot about their driving record. Here are some of the questions you may have about that important piece of paper and the answers to these questions.

Who Can See My Driving Record?

Your driving record is public record. As such, anyone who requests to see your driving record has access to it. However, most often, your insurance company, a potential employer, a current employer you do driving work for, and law enforcement request copies of and look at your driving record.

What Type of Information is on a Driving Record?

Your driving record contains information about your past driving offenses. This includes traffic infractions, accidents and criminal driving offenses, such as driving under the influence charges. Your record will also detail how many points are on your driving record. Every state uses a point system based on the severity of an infraction you received. For example, if you ran a stop sign, you may get one point on your record, whereas an accident you were at fault for is two points. If you reach a certain point level, your license may be suspended. Additionally, depending on the state you reside in, your driving record may also include the age in which you became licensed to drive, if your license has ever been suspended and for what reason, and any cars that are registered to you.

How long do DMV points stay on your driving record?

Your driving record lists how many points you have. This may lead you to wonder how long points stay on your record. Unfortunately, there is not a one-size-fits all answer to this question. The answer varies based on the state you reside in. In most states, accidents and tickets stay on your record for three to five years, but can stay on as long as seven years in some places. Criminal traffic infractions can stay on your record for anywhere from seven to ten years. Also, some states allow you to remove points by attending traffic school. The number of points you can remove is typically one or two points every two to three years. However, not every state allows this. Always check laws in your state to find out how their point system works and how long points stay on your record. Usually some form of traffic school or defensive driving course will take off or hide multiple points from one’s record.

Do driving records from different state look the same?

Driving records from all states look very similar but they do not look identical. As was mentioned above, the rules for points and how long infractions stay on your record varies from state to state. As such, the records themselves vary. It is also important to note that the records a law enforcement agency can view are different than the ones that are public record that insurance companies and employers view. A law enforcement agent can see your entire driving record. Many take a good look at this information when deciding whether to let you off with a warning or a ticket.

Your driving record can have an impact on your life. As such, it is always wise to take the time to learn about this topic. This can help you to better understand what a driving record is, who sees it, what is on it and how that information is used.