Disabled Drivers: Understanding Handicap Driving

With some special adjustments and teaching it is possible for those with disabilities to navigate the roads just like able-bodied drivers. Living with a physical disability does not have to mean you are grounded. The ADA, American Disabilities Act) amended the law in 2008 so that the DMV could not deny someone a license based only on their disability. If you want more answers to your burning questions to continue to read. If you go on to enjoy this post check out our other article on Epileptic Drivers.  

Can You Drive if You Are in a Wheelchair?

Yes, thanks to many advances in technology, disabled drivers who use wheelchairs are able to drive. Wheelchairs can be customized to match the motor skills of each individual driver for handicap driving. They are tested by the department of motor vehicles in their home state and when appropriate, restrictions will be noted on their driver’s license. Disabled drivers will also need to be trained at a conventional traffic school or online traffic school. 

Can a Paralyzed Person Drive?

While the way in which they learn and tools which are needed might be different, it is still possible for a paralyzed person to drive. Things that are taken into consideration include the severity of paralysis and vehicle the person is operating.

In What States Can a Disabled Person Drive?

State DMV’s are prohibited from denying disabled drivers from securing a driver’s license. Vehicles must be equipped with proper modifications and drivers must still pass a drivers test. Drivers licenses issued in one state are also valid in all other 50 states. You should also check to see if you qualify for a disabled placard in your state. In Florida, you might be eligible for a disabled placard if you suffer from a cardiac condition, can’t walk more than 200ft without resting, as well as other qualifiers. 

How Much Does it Cost to Modify a Car for Handicapped?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), costs to modify an existing car for handicap driving range from as little as $50 for special mirrors to a few hundred dollars for special hand controls. Specially equipped vehicles with ramps and raised ceilings range from $20,000 – 80,000. You can download a PDF file from the NHTSA website that provides additional information. Some vehicles let disabled drivers actually stay in their wheelchair while driving. Other vehicles allow wheelchairs to fold up for easy storage and transportation. Other possible modifications to existing vehicles include installing wheelchair lifts, raised ceilings and special floor mounts. These modifications tend to be expensive and they must be approved by state DMV’s.

Automation Affects Millions of CA Jobs

Automation is coming to California, just like traffic school online is coming to several other states. But there are some serious implications for the ways in which more things are going to be automated. One of the most important implications is that a lot of people are going to lose their jobs. If they can be replaced by a robot or an automated system, and it’s cheaper to make that replacement, then it’s generally not surprising that companies are making that choice. Cars are even becoming automated, both in how they’re made and how they’re driven. That affects vehicle makers, but it also affects those who drive for a living.

Right Now, Drivers Still Have Their Jobs

The idea of automation taking over driving jobs isn’t a new one. There are currently automated cars being tested out by Google and other companies. While there have been accidents and problems, the technology continues to be worked on. In time, it’s possible that driverless cars could become much more common. When that happens, there will be a lot more jobs lost. There will also be the risk of an accident between these cars and those that are still piloted by drivers. If the driver is at fault, they may need to take a traffic course for ticket dismissal. But what if the automated car is at fault in the accident? It’s clear that the current laws will need to be adjusted as automation takes over more cars and trucks on the road in the future.

How Much of the Automation is Really Expected?

There are all kinds of estimates about automation and driverless cars. When these cars are much more popular, and they can do more than just move down the road safely, drivers really could see their jobs drying up and disappearing. But for now, there isn’t too much danger. There are also a lot of other types of jobs that could go away, including fast food workers, cashiers, accountants, and much more, due to the ability to automate a lot of the functions that those people currently perform. Self-checkout lines at grocery stores are one example of this.
Some estimates of how many CA workers will lose their jobs to automation in the coming years are as high as 40 percent or more, while other estimates put the number at a much more modest level of just under 10 percent. No matter which of these numbers is correct, though, or whether the answer is somewhere in the middle, it’s clear that at least some California workers are going to lose their jobs to automation. That’s unfortunate for them and for the families that they take care of, and it can make communities less stable because fewer people in them will be able to support themselves.

Those Who Drive Should Take Note of Automation

For anyone who drives on California roads, taking note of automation is very important. Whether there’s the chance that automation will take their job as a driver, or whether automation could result in an accident with a driverless car, it’s important that drivers know the laws, rules, and requirements in their state. That way, if they do end up getting a ticket, they can take an online traffic course for ticket dismissal. As more changes come through automation the laws regarding accidents with driverless cars will need to be adjusted. But those who are at fault in these accidents will still want to understand their options so they can reduce the chances of higher insurance rates, points on their license, and other types of problems such as fees and fines.

Driving Age By State

Woah, there! Slow down. Everyone knows that you’re ready to get behind the wheel of a car and hit the rough roads. The only problem is you’re 14 years old and that’s too young… in most states.

There are a few states out there that have lower learner’s permit ages, which will allow you, a 14-year-old person, to drive on the roads.

You don’t even have to prove you’re a defensive driver by enrolling in traffic school online. You can grab that learner’s permit and go! So long as you live in that state as driver. To help you figure out if you’re eligible to drive, we’ve put together a list of which states it’s legal to drive at 14.

Where should I move to?

Every state has a different set of laws when it comes to driving ages. Living in one state could mean you’re not full licensed driver until the age of 18. Other states will make you a master driver by the age of 16. Below, you’ll find the complete list of states that give you a learner’s permit as early as 14 years of age:

● Alaska
● Arkansas
● Idaho (14 years and 6 months)
● Iowa
● Kansas
● Michigan (14 years and 9 months)
● Montana (14 years and 6 months)
● North Dakota
● South Dakota

Looking at this list, you could begin to think that the driving ages are design completely arbitrarily. The only reason these rules exist is because there was a group of older people in government who wanted to free the roads from young whippersnappers. That might be true, but there’s also other reasoning behind the age restrictions on driving.

Age Restrictions and Why They Exist

The main reason why these age restrictions exist, is because the brain is still maturing. A study published in the Journal of Safety Research showed raising the age needed to receive your driver’s license reduces the number of accidents that young teens are in. Therefore, prohibiting teenagers, under the age of 16, from receiving their learner’s permits will account for less accidents on the road.

That’s why some states have held tight to the 16 or over regulations that we’re so very familiar with. It’s not because they’re trying to oppress your 14-year-old-who-knows-everything-about-the-world voice. The DMV and government bodies are trying to decrease the number of incidents on the road.

Prepping Your Teen for Driving

To help reduce the number of accidents on the road, it’s important to be safe and know how to be prepared as a driver. You might be a 14-year old in South Dakota who just got their learner’s permit, but that doesn’t mean you’re not prone to being in accidents. Here’s a few tips on being secure while behind the wheel.

Getting sleep is dire. You want to be well rested while traveling. If not, your reaction time is diminished, your vision is impaired, and… you’re a bit cranky. Be well rested enough to drive, especially for a growing teen!

Don’t be distracted while driving. Putting the cell phone away is another important trait of a good driver. It’s easy to fall victim to checking the phone when you’re at a stoplight, in traffic, or just bored. Whether texting and driving or having a drama filled conversation on the phone doesn’t matter. Distracted driving is just another reason why 14-year-old drivers might be too immature to operate a moving vehicle.

Finally, learn from teachers, instructors, and parents. They’re here to teach you how to be a safe driver. That’s why it’s important to learn from their lessons.

All About New Real ID Driver’s License

If you’ve tried updating your driver’s license in the past year, you may have noticed a few signs that were promoting a new Real ID Driver’s License. This latest issued documentation has been the hottest gossip among DMVs everywhere. Aside from having a flashy title, the Real ID promises to bring some change in how people present their identification.

The only problem is the Real ID Driver’s License is a bit of a mystery to most people.

This latest identification card has people questioning what it is and how it’s important. That’s why we’re putting together everything you need to know about the new Real ID. If there’s one thing your favorite online traffic school knows, it’s everything about licenses.

The Real ID is Real Important

Getting a Real ID is not required by any means. However, the DMV strongly recommends applying for this brand-new identification card. Without a Real ID, you may be restricted from taking domestic flights in the United States.

Starting October 1, 2020, the government will require your driver’s license, permit, or ID card to be Real ID compliant. Below are a few other perks of having a Real ID card. Note, some of these are also built into owning a standard ID.

● Being licensed to drive
● Voting or being registered to vote
● Entering federal facilities
● Receiving federal benefits
● Gaining health services
● Participating in law enforcement proceedings or investigations
● Flying domestically in the United States

The Real ID is a new standardization of minimum security surrounding your identification. Essentially, the federal government is changing the information and details associated with identification. The amount of information is different on the card than your standard ID.

In 2005, the congress passed the Real ID Act, which (you can tell by the name) was the inception of encouraging a new identification card to citizens of the United States. The Real ID Act was passed to combat terrorism and identity theft. Issuing this new government ID will secure people’s identity on a whole new level.

How to get your Real ID Driver’s License

Getting your Real ID is as easy as spending the day at the DMV. In other words, no matter how prepared you will be, you’ll still have to experience going to the DMV. The Real ID cannot be issued over the phone or through mail.

To get your Real ID, you will be required to have the correct documentation. This includes:
● Proof of identity, such as a license, birth certificate, or passport. (Must include first, middle, and last name)
● Proof of social security card
● Proof of your date of birth
● Proof of U.S. citizenship
● Proof of New York residence (or any state that you currently live in,) such as a utility bill, bank statement, or mortgage payment
● If your name does not match the name on the identification due to a governmental approved name change, you must bring in documentation recording that process.

Once you have all these documentations gathered together, you must pay the DMV a visit. Present these documents and request a Real New York ID, to begin the process of updating that bland standard ID into something a little more exciting.

The Real ID will come with a golden star on the top right of your New York issued ID. The gold star is a clear sign that the ID is Real, but it’s also the federal government’s way of saying “good job!”

Top CA Teenage Driving Statistics

Teenagers are often stereotyped as being the worst drivers on the road. People will describe them as being reckless and distracted while driving, because of their rambunctious attitude and delusions of living forever. But, is there a little fact to this notion that teenagers are horrible drivers?

Let’s look at the statistics and data to find out.

We’ve done extensive research on the subject and collected the finding to show you the top California teenage driving statistics. Are teenagers really learning when they enroll in a driver education course? Let’s look at the data.

Teenager Driving Death Toll

Teenagers are still learning the mechanics of driving vehicles. That combined with their desire to impress and woo their friends can be a deadline concoction. According to the CDC, in 2015, the U.S. death toll for teens in motor accidents was roughly 235,845.

That many driving-related deaths is the equivalent to 6 fatalities a day. Between the inability to recognize hazardous situations, distracted driving, and influence from friends, driving as a teenager could be a matter of life and death.

In 2008, the amount of California teen driver fatalities was the 2nd highest in the state. Coming in about 219 total deaths, the only state higher was the amount of deaths in Texas. Those were just the vehicle drivers, too.

The California DMV reported that, when counting vehicle passengers and non-occupants, the total teenager death total was 593. This goes to show that when teenagers engage in reckless driving, they risk their life and the lives others on the road as well.

Teenager Driving Injuries

When it comes to being injured as a teenage driver, the number is even higher. Drivers between the ages of 16 to 19 only accounted for 7% of the total U.S. population. Yet, they were responsible for 11% of the total vehicle incidents and injuries in 2015. This accumulates to be roughly $10 million in damages across the country.

In California, roughly 61.4% of drivers, 16 years old, were involved in some form of motor vehicle incident. The DMV reported that the crash rate for all drivers, between the ages of 16 and 19, was 2.9 times higher than the crash rate for drivers 20 or more years older. If teenagers are doing this bad in wrecks, how are they doing with getting ticketed?

Teenager Ticket Trouble

Teenagers can be risky drivers. They have a hard time understanding the behaviors that make a great, defensive driver. This means they tend to be sporadically out of control when it comes to breaking the rules of the road.

According to the DMV, 52.7% of teenagers were ticketed for speeding violations in 2008. That means half of the drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 were fined for some form of speeding violation. The citation rate for drivers between the age of 16 and 19 were 2.1 times higher than the rest of the population.

The second highest traffic violation that teenagers committed was proper signaling and turning. Unable to communicate on the road was a hard suit for teenagers. But that’s probably because they were busy communicating with their phones.

Safe Teen Driving

These statistics shows that they can be extremely reckless. So, what does it take for teens to drive defensively on the roads? When driving it’s easy to be distracted by people, phones, and obstructions in the road. Teenagers must remember to not fall for that bottlenecking trap. Being safe behind the wheel is all about being responsible.

Patients comes with experience. As people age, they are involved in less incidents, according to the data. When it comes to driving, teenagers might need to do some growing up.

New CA Traffic Laws Effective July 1, 2018

The rules of the road are changing constantly. They make up the ever-expanding book of laws that keep people in line… or should we say “lane?” These are the basic and rudimentary topics you would cover in any California Driver’s Ed class. There’s been some construction on the ol’ road rules book, and, as of, July 1st, 2018, the updates are being implemented.

Although you might have heard the contrary, rules are not meant to be broken. When they are, there’s online traffic school. But, if you would like to steer clear of paying large fines and bad moods, then read on to learn about the latest updates. We’ve outlined everything you need to know about the newest CA traffic laws that went into effect July 1st, 2018.

The Seatbelts on the Bus Rule

Back in the day, there were seatbelts on all the school buses. However, the people who would wear them were made fun of or they were considered to be the uncool kids. Now, they scoff and laugh at their harassers who must follow the merciless laws bestowed on California citizens as they sit, securely, on the bust strapped in by seat belts.

Here’s the breakdown.

This law makes riding in public vehicles and transporting people, safer for the passengers. What this means for you, the passenger, is huge. You must wear a seat belt on a bus. It also means that parents, legal guardians, chartering parties, and children of particular ages must be properly restrained in the seat or holder.

It also means that bus drivers must inform all patrons of the newest law. If the passenger doesn’t follow the instructions, they will personally be fined – not the driver. The idea of the law is to increase the safety of passengers on the bus.

The DUI Tolerance Limit

Driving after drinking any amount of alcohol is a bad idea. Driving while impaired will cause catastrophic damage to people’s lives. It lowers your reaction time and increases the chances of you destroying property or crashing.

The DUI limit is very low, running at about .08 blood alcohol concentration. Now, the DUI is lowering the bar (the only time that’s a good thing). As of July 1st, 2018, the legal driving limit, while driving a passenger for hire, will be .04 blood alcohol concentration.

So, what exactly is a passenger for hire?

Passenger for hire describes the services from commercial drivers. Therefore, people working for Lyft and Uber are examples of commercial drivers. They can no longer operate the vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of .08. It’s scary to think that there are people drinking and driving you around at night – and you pay them to do it!

Private Carriers of Passengers

Among the newest laws to the Golden State are the laws regulating authority and insurance. Sacramento CBS reported, “The DMV will now issue certificates for intrastate authority and verify proof of liability insurance, while CHP will regulate compliance and the safe operation of the vehicles.” If you don’t know anything about traffic laws, this sentence might sound like we just casted a spell on you.

The law simply issues new regulations for private vehicles transporting passengers. Again, safety is important and is kept in mind when creating new laws to dictate how we operate on the road. This one is technical and convoluted; however, it allows regulators to observe compliance and safety operations of vehicles.

Saturday Service at DMV Offices

This isn’t a new law, but people will begin losing their minds when they find out that Ventura, Sacramento, and Salinas DMV offices will now be in operation on Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Now, the 9 to 5’er will rejoice as they can spend their Saturday mornings standing in line at the DMV.

Guide to Reporting a CA Auto Claim

Automobile accidents are a pain. They can be costly, time-consuming, and in some cases, can involve a lawsuit if there are others involved. But congratulations! Being a smart, law-abiding citizen, you’re insured! Which is not only a good idea, it’s also required—as it is illegal to drive without insurance (or some proof of financial responsibility) in all 50 US states. Here’s a guide of what to do the moment you’re in an accident (assuming you’re already safe and no one is injured).

If there’s another party, talk to them

It might sound crass, but be careful in your wording. If it’s not your fault, avoid terms like “I’m sorry,” or anything that could impute guilt. If it is your fault, be an upstanding citizen and take responsibility. Your insurance will likely still cover you (as long as you didn’t break their terms, ex. by drinking and driving or driving on a suspended license). Exchange identification, contact information, and insurance information. If the other party is belligerent or uncooperative, call the police to mediate the discussion and file an accident report.

If there’s another party, get a witness and keep your story straight

It always helps to have a third party able and willing to testify in the event your story is contested by the other party involved. Their recollection of the event, which hopefully matches yours, can help substantially in court. Be sure to also keep your story straight with extreme detail, as a strong memory of the incident and day will assist in your credibility and help your insurance company protect you as best they can.

Take pictures

Take as many pictures as possible of the damage to all vehicles. Not only can this help in any legal matters, it’s commonly used by insurance companies that use apps to submit damage claims!

Get a good idea of the cost of damage

This will help you evaluate if insurance is needed in the first place. In a typical insurance claim, the policy holder is required to file a claim with insurance, pay their co-pay (their minimum amount to be covered), and insurance will cover the rest of the cost in damages. However, if the accident is small enough (ex, a small dent or scratch that costs less than your co-pay), it might be cheaper to pay for the repair out of pocket rather than go through your insurance and pay your co-pay.

Talk to your insurance immediately

The way you interact with your insurance, the coverage they give you, and the time limit you must file the claim varies between insurance companies and depends on the severity of the accident. In California, if someone is killed, injured, or property damage exceeds $1,000, you must report the accident within 10 days to the DMV (filing with your insurance will typically guide you in this process).

However, as a general rule of thumb, it’s best to speak to them immediately. There’s no set time limit on how long you have to file a claim, but an insurance company might decide not to cover you if you don’t act in good faith to promptly report an accident.

As stated before, some companies even use apps to file claims. Others have you speak on the phone to a specialist and send them photos, some simply have you take the vehicle in to a body shop to get an estimate first, some will send a specialist to inspect the vehicle in person. Depending on your coverage and the severity of the accident, they might also arrange towing service and get you a rental car.

Get it fixed!

Your insurance will guide you through the process of getting your vehicle repaired, which typically involves them providing you a list of repair shops in your area that are in their coverage network. As stated before, in a typical situation, you pay your insurance co-pay and the insurance company will cover the rest of the cost in damages.

What to Do If You Hit an Animal in CA

Life is full of accidents. Among one of the worst feelings someone could experience is the guilt when you have hit an animal on the road. With the rush of dismay bellowing to your head, you could be so flustered by the incident that you forget how to handle the situation.

So, what should you do if you hit an animal in California?

The roads are teeming with wildlife. They might not know the California traffic school rules for animal, which is to look both ways before crossing the road. Therefore, the chances of you eventually hitting an animal is high. That’s why it’s important to know how to handle the situation when you hit a large animal that could leave destructive damage. Here’s what to do if you hit an animal in California.

Stop the car and access the damage

After hitting an animal, the first thing you should do is stop the car and assess the situation. It will also provide you with a moment to calm down from taking a life and see if you have developed a thirst for more blood. When your nerves are calm, you can now exit the vehicle to check for damages on your car.

Don’t approach the animal if it’s injured

If the animal is still alive, approaching it could be dangerous. You should always err on the side of caution in these situations. That means do not approach the animal. Unless you can confirm its condition, you could risk being injured by a very angry deer, coyote, or domestic house cat. Animals are known to lash out when they’re injured… or worse, when they’re hungry.

Shower the body with roses

As part of every traditional act of hitting an animal, you must shower the body with roses. This is to ensure that the corpse will smell nice until someone else comes by to remove it. Moreover, you will feel a little bit better about having slayed a beast with your car after dousing the body with roses. Alternatively, you could use lilies, tulips, or sunflowers. Doing so is the only way you can ensure good karma for the future.

Call the police

The best thing to do when you hit an animal is to call the police. Getting a hold of the authorities will allow them to use their expertise to assist you and the animal. They will also help move the animal if it’s obstructing the roads. When in doubt, call the police out.

Partake in a ritual burial

Partaking in the ritual of burying the animal is a great way to wrap up the horrific event. Doing so will allow the beast to enter through the gates of Valhalla and find eternal peace… and clear it from the road so others won’t have to swerve around it. You will also get in a nice workout digging a six-foot hole. Everybody wins… sort of.

Remove the corpse from the road, if it’s obstructive

When it comes to large bodies obstructing the road, you should seek to move the body. The body can become a hazard for oncoming traffic and will risk creating more accidents. This can be done by calling the local authorities and informing them about the decision. Technically, the local council is responsible for moving the body of the animal. However, if you feel so inclined to move it yourself, go ahead, weirdo.

11 Minor Car Brands with Incentives That You’ve Never Heard About

At one point in your lifetime, you may have come across a vehicle that didn’t look like anything else you’ve seen. There may have been a flashy accessory, a strange contour, or maybe it had an unrecognizable logo. Chances are, that car was produced by a minor car brand.

Minor car brands are the unknowns of the car manufacturing industry, because they produce specialty cars. They may vary from purely electric-based vehicles to neoclassical eye candy. Each come with their incentives, such as tax deduction on electric vehicles or bragging rights with the aesthetics. Below are 11 minor car brands that you didn’t know existed.


Lithium iron phosphate batteries are this company’s specialty. When they’re not producing batteries, they’re producing car bodies that use these batteries. Coda is known as a minor car brand that produces fuel-efficient cars that run on a powerful battery.

Fisker Automotive

Fisker Automotive doesn’t just sound like a can of tuna that you’d feed your cat. It’s a minor car brand that manufactures luxury hybrid vehicles. If the luxury wasn’t enough incentive, the yearly tax deduction will be.


Panoz is the result of a pharmaceutical mogul who decided his financial portfolio needed its own race car manufacturing company. Their most notable car is the Panoz Esperante. This little-known car brand produces sports cars for competitive racing and road cars for competitive bragging.


Green4U isn’t just a minor car manufacturer, but an all-around green vehicle producer. They’ve made eco-friendly vehicles for airlines, individual consumers, and even the military. Green4U is manufacturing an electronic vehicle that has substantially lower operating cost than the leading brand. It’s the Great Value brand of electric cars.

VIA Motors

If you’ve seen a GM model car without the GM branding, chances are it’s a VIA motors vehicle. This manufacturer purchases GM cars and refurbishes them to be electric. They pull a quick switcheroo to sell a greener vehicle.


Known as the Golden Spirit of vehicles, Zimmer pushes the production of neoclassical cars. Whenever there’s an old car showcase, you might find a Zimmer model. They make them aesthetically pleasing without the utility of a standard car.

Lucid Motors

Lucid Motors specializes in electric vehicles. Coincidentally, close to 300 employees from Tesla Motors jumped ship to work at Lucid, so you know their cars are electrifying. The reason why there’s so many electric car companies in the state is because they all graduated from a traffic school California.

Faraday Future

Faraday Future isn’t just the name of the next great sci-fi novel. It’s an electric automotive startup that’s taking over the south. This company makes electric sports cars that aren’t just used for sport. They’re used for leisurely driving… at high speeds.

Local Motors

Local Motors makes their cars available to the public in more ways than consumer distribution. All their vehicles are open sourced and available to the public. Some of their vehicles include the autonomous bus or the completely 3D printed car.

Elio Motors

Elio Motors is pushing the boundaries with their innovation. Those boundaries being the line between car and motorcycle. This minor car brand recently released the three-wheeled autocycle. It’s an automobile containing everything you would find in your standard sedan, but without the unnecessary fourth wheel.

Vehicle Production Group

No – Vehicle Production Group isn’t the generic placeholder for a flashy name in the works. It’s the legitimate name of the company. They’re responsible for the design of most mobility vehicles. They’re highly accessible vans and cars are built with a large door and ramp.

Autonomous Vehicle Day

01111001 01100001 01111001! In case you can’t read binary, that’s computer talk for “yay!” The reason why we’re excited about today is because it’s Autonomous Vehicle Day. The one day every year where we celebrate our computer overlords – uhm – drivers. With the rising publicity and manufacturing of autonomous cars, this year was a great stride forward for the industry. The popularity of self-driving vehicles is at an all-time high, thanks to their consumer accessibility.

When there’s a holiday, there’s a celebration. You might not be familiar with the traditions behind Autonomous Vehicle Day, so we’re showing you the best ways to celebrate our robot chauffeurs. Here are the best ways to show your autonomous pride.

Dust the interior of your car

If you have an autonomous car, make sure you dust the interior of it. Dust slows down computers. When it builds up, it can ruin systems no matter how well they’re built. Your autonomous vehicle might be different, but any reason to clean up the filthy interior of your car is a good one. Grab that duster, buster.

Write a “thank you” card in binary

It’s your autonomous car’s day. Therefore, you should tell it how you REALLY feel, with a handwritten card in binary. Your autonomous car can only understand numbers, so use the nearest binary translator to let your heart ooze with feelings.

Take your autonomous vehicle out for dinner

Tonight, treat your self-driving car well with a delicious dinner. For you, a salivating, seared steak dinner with a side of asparagus and fine potatoes. For your car, a quick oil change. That’s the autonomous vehicle equivalent to sautéed salmon.

Buy it a gift

Autonomous vehicles may be computers, but they still like to receive gifts. One present you can provide your car, this year, is something digital to go along with its computations. Since self-driving cars are computers that drive, it might make use of online traffic school.

Learn how to program the concept of love

A task that has plagued scientist, programmers, and ethics theorists is the process of computers comprehending the idea of love. Moreover, you might have expressed your love for your self-driving car without any reciprocal feelings. Learning how to program the concept of love will finally show your autonomous car how you feel.

Print off pictures of autonomous cars to longingly stare at

There’s other ways to celebrate Autonomous Vehicle Day, if you don’t have access to a self-driving car. One way of doing this is to print off pictures of autonomous cars, then daydream which one is your favorite. You can even line your walls with the photos, in case you want people to think you lost your mind.

Buy a Roomba

If you don’t have the funds to purchase one, then buy the next best thing: a Roomba. It’s like a self-driving car, except it’s a small circular computer that cleans your floor. In fact, the best way to celebrate is to do yourself the favor of never cleaning your home again. Your Roomba will also help keep you company!

Spread the word

The easiest way to celebrate Autonomous Vehicle Day is to snap a photo of a self-driving car, then post it to your social media accounts with #AutonomousVehicleDay. That’s the official hashtag being used to celebrate. You should join in with the thousands of people who are partaking in the day. Let everyone know how much you enjoy autonomous vehicles.

Best SUV Lease Deals

Has anyone else noticed there’s too many leasing deals for SUVs? If your method of choosing which SUV to lease was based on the best deal, you’re in trouble. There’s just too many good SUV leasing deals out there today.

Leave it to Memorial Day weekend to kickstart leasing season. To help you make your leasing decision, we’ve compiled a list of the best SUV deals available. After reading this, you might just find a great new ride. At the very lease you will find great new deals.

Buick Encore

The Buick Encore comes from a line of luxury SUVs. The Encore has all the comfort of driving a luxury SUV at the monthly cost of driving a farm wagon. You can start your lease at the payment of $199 a month for 39-months with $3,329 due at signing. You can say this great leasing deal deserves a roaring encore.

Chevrolet Trax

The Chevrolet Trax has all the benefits of driving a sturdy SUV while giving you justification to leave it in a compact parking spot. Leasing one today starts at $149 a month for 24-months with $3,969 due at signing. You won’t have to worry about getting lost in this SUV; it’ll keep you on trax.

Toyota RAV4

The Toyota RAV4 is a trustworthy SUV that provides peace of mind to its driver. You can lease yours starting at a price of $199 a month for 36 months with $2,000 due at signing. The only thing that will upset you is the $1 off from having a perfectly rounded monthly payment.

Hyundai Kona

The Hyundai Kona is one of the most stylistic SUVs around. With a great leasing deal, you can finally earn everyone’s attention and respect. Leasing starts at $199 a month for 36-months with $2,399 due at signing. The only thing more respectable than leasing a Hyundai Kona is showing off what you learned in California traffic school.

Honda HR-V

Honda’s are known for their excellent safety ratings. Just like their leasing deals! You can have the financial safety of a $189 a month payment for 36-months contract with a low $2,299 due at signing. Even when paying for your Honda, you’re secure.

Ford Escape

The Ford Escape is one of the most beloved SUVs on the market. You can lease yours at $239 a month for 36-months with $2,729 due at signing. Despite being on the pricier end of the leasing deals, this Ford SUV is too good to let it escape!

Subaru Forester

If you’re someone who doesn’t like paying money when they lease a new car, then consider the Subaru Forester’s great new leasing deal. The payments start at $259 a month for 36-months with $0 due at signing. Signing documents and making money payments go together like orange juice and toothpaste.

Chevrolet Equinox

The Chevrolet Equinox is rated the most dependable compact SUV. Leasing contracts start at $200 a month for 24-months with $3,609 due at signing. The Equinox may be dependable, but not as dependable as those monthly payments.

Ford Edge

Time to hang up the leather jacket and archive the Blink-182 albums, because it’s a whole lot easier to be edgy. Leasing your Ford Edge is as affordable as ever with the new $289 a month for 36-months contract with $3,369 due at signing. Now you can have the same edge without the need to write your deep, dark poems.

Can You Register a Car Online?

There are many reasons why states require people to register their cars. Part of the reason is for taxation. But other reasons include keeping track of who owns what car, figuring out the number of cars on the roadways, and ensuring the vehicles on the roads are safe. If you are looking to register a new vehicle or pay your current registration for an existing vehicle, you may wonder if this is something you can do online. The answer to this question varies based on the state you are in. Here are a couple popular states and the information you need to know about how to register a car online in these states.

New York

In New York, some registrations are eligible to be renewed online. You may be eligible to complete your renewal process online if your registration has not been expired for a year or longer, your registration is not suspended, you have insurance and you have had your vehicle inspected in the last year. If you are eligible to renew online, your registration paperwork will indicate that you can go online and make the payment. If you are not eligible, you will have to go to the New York Department of Motor Vehicles to renew your registration.


In California, online car registration can only be used for cars that are currently registered in California and have been within the past year. If you are looking to register a car from out of state or looking to register a car that has not been registered in over a year, you will need to go to the DMV. Additionally, online registration may not be completed if the information you need to complete the process has not been electronically submitted. This includes a smog check and your insurance papers. If you pay online without proof of either of these, you will be asked to submit them by mail or in person before your registration process can be completed. Also, be sure you have completed a driving course at an accredited driving school. If you are wondering how to register a car in California easily take a look at some more of our content.


Unless you are looking to register a car from out of state, the answer to the question ” can I register my car online in Arizona” is yes. Your renewal slip will tell you whether you need an emissions test or not. If you do, you must obtain this test and have it electronically sent to the DMV before you can register your car. Once that information has been received, you can register your car online. Be aware that if you have outstanding tickets, you may be required to pay those before you can register your vehicle. This can also be done online, making the process easy.


Texas, of course we did not forget you. If you are wondering how to register a car in Texas there are a few ways including online, by mail or in person to a county substation. One of the unique things about Texas is that you do not even need to wait for a renewal form to register your vehicle. You can register it simply using the license plate number or VIN number when the time comes.


Florida will not allow you to register out of state vehicles or vehicles that you have just purchased online. However, if you are looking to register a vehicle that has been previously registered in your name, you can re-register it online. You can re-register your vehicle up to three months in the state of Florida as long as there is a current proof of insurance certificate meeting the state minimum on file for your vehicle.

Most states are now allowing customers the ability to pay their registration fees online, rather than having to mail them in or pay them at a DMV office. If you live in New York, Florida, Texas, California, or Arizona, you live in one of the states that allows this, making it easy to pay your vehicle registration when the time comes. Those states also make it easy for you to take traffic school online to dismiss a ticket. Great news for the super and somewhat-super computer savvy.

How to Sell a Car in Texas

If you are planning on selling a vehicle in Texas, you will have to fill out some paperwork. Sweat the subtleties of the transaction now and you won’t have to deal with them down the road. Let’s look at the paperwork that must be submitted to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles to officially transfer ownership of your vehicle. We’ll also touch on additional documents necessary to sell a vehicle in Texas.

Title Transfer

The state of Texas requires that your vehicle’s title be transferred to the new owner. To make this transfer, you must fill out the title assignment found on the back of your vehicle’s official title certificate. If you fail to perform a legal title transfer when selling your car, there will be consequences. As an example, it is possible that you will be held responsible for subsequent crimes and violations committed in the vehicle. It is prudent to go to the nearest county tax office with the vehicle buyer to guarantee that the application for the new vehicle title is filed. If you need a certified copy of your automobile’s title from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, fill out the VTR-34 form. You can download this form from the DMV’s online library of forms.

Additional Documents Necessary to Sell a Car in Texas

As a seller of a vehicle, you must provide specific documents to the buyer. These documents include the bill of sale, a valid vehicle title, the completed title assignment with signature and odometer disclosure. Be sure to make copies of these documents to store in your records. You never know if any technical or legal challenges will pop up in the future. At this point, it is the buyer’s responsibility to complete the remainder of the required documents and pay the fee necessary to register the vehicle in his name in the state of Texas.

Supplemental Material That Will Help You Sell Your Vehicle in Texas

Texas has nuanced laws concerning vehicle efficiency and safety. Therefore, most vehicle buyers ask sellers for an in-depth vehicle history report before agreeing to a sale. Such a report provides information about the vehicle ranging from prior accidents to major repairs, odometer alteration and/or instances of theft. If you have endured any sort of accident, consider enrolling in a TX driving safety course. This course will enhance your defensive driving skills. Such a course might reduce your automobile insurance rate. It is even possible that this course will remove points from your driving record after a speeding ticket or other violation. Have your vehicle history report on-hand so you can show it to the buyer immediately after he requests it. Furthermore, having the vehicle history report on-hand makes it that much easier to market your vehicle and ask the highest possible price.

Transfer the License Plates

You must remove the license plates from your vehicle before the buyer accepts the keys and drives off. It is possible to transfer these license plates to another vehicle you own. Reach out to your nearest county tax assessor collector’s office for details on such a transfer.

Don’t Forget the Bill of Sale!

It is necessary to document the actual sale of your vehicle. The transaction is recorded on a “bill of sale”. This document should include all essential information about the seller, the buyer, the automobile and the agreed sale price. Sign and date the bill of sale and request that the buyer does the same. Make copies for yourself and the buyer. Keep this document in your records as it is proof of the vehicle sale transaction.

What is a Space Cushion?

A space cushion. This is something they tell you about in defensive driving class. What is a space cushion? It sounds top secret. Like something, NASA and the government need to keep hidden in order to protect us from beings from outer space. That’s right. Space beings. Aliens. Martians from a distant planet, maybe Mars, who have entered our atmosphere and are looking for a way to relax. After all, space travel must be exhausting. Imagine sitting there, in your UFO spacecraft seat, for millions of miles. Completely tiring. No wonder those men from Mars need a space cushion. A place to lay down their big brainy heads for a little cat nap.

No, sorry, that’s not what a space cushion is. Although, that is a novel idea. So, what exactly is a space cushion?

What is a Space Cushion?

A space cushion is an area around your vehicle that is just empty space. No other vehicles are in that space. The space cushion area includes the space in front of, behind, and on both sides of your car.

Why Have a Space Cushion?

A space cushion gives you time and opportunity to avoid collision with another vehicle. If you don’t have a space cushion, then any sudden movements by other vehicles can catch you with no way out of the situation. In fact, with no space cushion around your vehicle, you have limited options if you yourself have a sudden emergency or a sudden movement. Consider this: Imagine you’re driving in your car, and one of your tires blows. The sudden drop in tire pressure will likely cause your vehicle to swerve dramatically to one side. You obviously won’t know which side your car will swerve on, because it came out of the blue. You could swerve right into another car, or even a pedestrian. This is why you want to have a space cushion.

How to Make a Space Cushion

First, you don’t need sewing lessons to make a space cushion. We thought we cleared up all that nonsense about aliens needing naps about two paragraphs ago. So please put away the needle and thread. And the thimble. Okay, let’s get down to the business of defensive driving by making a space cushion.

First, you want to have at least a three-second delay from the rear end of the vehicle in front of you to the front of your car. This is the easiest part of the space cushion to make. As you’re driving, pay attention to the signs on the side of the road. If you’re on the freeway, you can use the signs overhead. As the car in front passes by the sign, count to three (yes, you can use Mississippi). Your car shouldn’t pass that same sign before you’ve reached three. If it has, you’re following too closely. Slow down, Speed Racer.

Second, you want the car behind you to slow down so there’s a three-second delay between you. Now, you can’t tell that driver how to drive. But you can let that driver pass if he insists on tailgating you, (maybe he has to get to a bathroom or something. Who knows)? Anyway, just let him go by.

Finally, you don’t want any cars next to you. How do you manage this? By adjusting your speed either up or down so that you aren’t riding along with James Dean’s style in some kind of misconceived road race on the highway.

Now that you know what a space cushion in, why it’s necessary, and how to make one, you’d best be on your way. Leave plenty of time between your departure and your arrival so you’re never the one tailgating.

Answering common traffic school questions

Are you enrolled in traffic school and feeling a bit nervous about the expectations? If so, you are not alone. Most people experience some degree of anxiety. It is quite normal.

However, you should calm down. The goal of traffic school is to make you a safer driver. The curriculum is not set up for you to fail. Instead, quite the opposite is true. The institution wants you to comprehend the material as fully as possible. Your success is their success.

This all sounds well and good, but you also know that in the end you have to complete a certain amount of work with a passing score. Keep reading below to find out just where to turn for answers to your traffic school assignments.

Use this information to help get a passing score. Then, enjoy the safe driver record and dismissal of tickets. And, of course, do not forget the mandatory insurance discount.

I’m struggling with my online traffic school course, what should I do?

You would be surprised at how easy things can be when you use a little common sense. Just stop trying to make traffic school so difficult and all will be smooth sailing.

When things get tough, just sit back and relax. You have been a driver for some time now. The answer is probably the one that seems right to you. Use your intuition.

For example, the rules of the road exist to protect motorists and pedestrians. You already know this. So, use this knowledge to help you figure out the answers to your traffic school questions. If a choice does not help keep people safe on the road, then you can discard it.

Can I ask friends & family for help with my online traffic school?

The people around you, such as family and friends, are excellent sources of information on traffic laws. Many of them have been driving for decades and know all the rules in your state. Be sure to ask them for help when trying to complete your course.

It may be best to rely on more than one person for the answers. You will want a variety of opinions. Listen to what everyone has to say, check your course material again and then choose the best answer.

How can I use the internet as a source for answers with my traffic school online?

You should search the internet for relevant driving websites. Your state motor vehicle department will have the current rules of the road available online. Likewise, the state insurance department can provide you with information on auto insurance requirements.

Last, the state court website can explain what will happen if you break the laws while behind the wheel.

What about the instructor of the online traffic school course, can I ask them for help?

If truly stuck with nowhere to turn, then ask your instructor for help. Now, you should always be sure to have attempted to find the answer yourself first. Quite often, wayward students will skip the reading material or fail to follow instructions and then expect the instructor to bail them out.

Truly attempt the assignment before asking for the instructor to explain it to you. Doing so will make their explanation that much more comprehensible.

Traffic school success is right around the corner!

You are now prepared to complete your traffic school with flying colors. Just take things easy and you will succeed in becoming an acknowledged safe driver in your state.

The Pros & Cons of Manual vs. Automatic Transmission

Most people do not consider the purchase or lease of a vehicle with a manual transmission. Also known as a “stick shift,” the manual transmission is becoming increasingly rare. However, there are some advantages to driving a vehicle equipped with a manual transmission. Let’s look at the positives and negatives of manual vs. automatic transmissions to help you select the style that is best for your particular needs and desires.

The Benefits of a Manual Transmission


One of the primary benefits of a stick shift is improved fuel economy. Most vehicles equipped with a manual transmission achieve higher mpg than vehicles with an automatic transmission. Furthermore, vehicles equipped with a stick shift tend to cost less than vehicles with an automatic. Another key advantage to owning or leasing a vehicle with a manual transmission is that it is comparably secure. If your vehicle is broken into, the odds of the thief knowing how to drive a stick shift are fairly low. A manual transmission really is an anti-theft device in and of itself.

Yet the primary motivation for selecting a vehicle with a stick is feel. Controlling the shifts between gears makes one feel as though he is a race car driver. It is a ton of fun to upshift and downshift while traversing the roads. If you get a vehicle with a manual transmission, you will likely be tempted to get to fourth or fifth gear as quickly as possible and drive at a high rate of speed. It could result in a speeding ticket. If you are nabbed speeding, enroll in defensive driving for an auto insurance discount. You can also enroll in traffic school to have your ticket dismissed or reduced.

The Drawbacks of a Manual Transmission


The main drawback of a stick shift is the learning curve. Most people do not want to invest the time and effort required to learn this style of driving. Furthermore, constantly shifting between gears is somewhat tedious. If you aren’t particularly skilled at operating a stick, you might make a mistake that leads to an accident or a traffic ticket. Those who lack coordination might find it difficult to use both arms and legs in unison on the steering wheel, stick shift, gas and clutch pedals. Another problem with the manual transmission is that few people know how to operate it. If you have one too many drinks, feel sick or are injured, the odds of someone in your group being able to operate a stick shift are low.

The Benefits of an Automatic Transmission

The beauty of an automatic transmission is that the vehicle shifts through the gears on your behalf. There is no need to divert your attention to a clutch pedal or stick shift. You can keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times and consequently, reduce the odds of an accident. Also, consider a situation in which you can’t drive your vehicle due to an injury or sickness. If you have a friend or family member with you, this individual can drive your vehicle on your behalf. Another advantage of the automatic transmission is that it makes stop-and-go traffic tolerable. The same cannot be said of a vehicle with a manual transmission that requires a constant pressing of the clutch and shifting between gears to go from a complete stop to forward movement repeatedly during heavy traffic.

The Negatives of an Automatic Transmission

Automatic transmissions cost more than the manual variety. Automatic transmissions also provide less miles per gallon than manuals as they use a torque converter to alternate between gears. Automatic transmissions typically require more maintenance than manuals due to their comparably complex engineering. Thieves are much more likely to steal a vehicle with an automatic transmission as it does not require any sort of specialized knowledge or skill to operate.