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  • Certificate in 30 minutes

West Virginia Defensive Driving


  • Certificate in 30 minutes


Got questions? We've got answers!

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every step of the way.

Answer: A Defensive Driving Course is designed to teach drivers safe driving techniques and strategies to avoid accidents. Powered by the SPIDER Method for safer driving, it emphasizes anticipation, preparedness, and awareness to respond safely to various driving scenarios.

Answer: Our course is designed to be engaging, with interactive modules, videos, and quizzes to ensure you understand and retain the material.

Answer: No, you can log in and out as needed. Your progress will be saved, and you can pick up where you left off.

Answer: Yes! We offer customer support via chat, email, and phone to assist you throughout the course.

Answer: Many insurance companies offer discounts for drivers who successfully complete a Defensive Driving Course. It's recommended to check with your insurance provider for potential benefits.

Answer: Yes! Our online Defensive Driving Course is optimized for all devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Proof of course completion will be available at the end of the course after you've completed all of the chapters and the final quiz. Please also remember to take our survey at the end and let us know about your experience!

Can't find what you need?

We're here to help you
every step of the way.

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