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  • Certificate in 30 minutes

Iowa Defensive Driving


  • Certificate in 30 minutes


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The Iowa Department of Transportation mandates that if get many moving violations and you are found guilty of those charges, you may be required to enroll in a defensive driving course.

For persons who may undertake a voluntary traffic school course, upon successful completion of the course, you may qualify for a car insurance discount.

Any one may take a defensive driving course which offers those who take the course not only opportunity to improve their driving skills, but also may reduce the possibility of such person getting a traffic ticket in future.

You will learn more about the defensive driving/driver improvement education in addition to understand where to go to gain more information about it.

The traffic school /Defensive driving programs of Iowa would help you achieve the following:

Receive a discount on auto insurance

Comply with Iowa traffic Court judgment

Remove the chances of your driver license being suspended

Get reinstatement of your suspended license

Get a discharge of any pending traffic tickets

It is possible you may have the opportunity to do your defensive driving course either online or in classroom depending on reasons your ticket was issue for.

In case you are required by the DMV of the state of Iowa to take the defensive driving course all the information you need is provided here

See if you can take the course online

The time frame required to complete the course

Check other document and fees required of you when you complete the course

You may be required to take the Iowa defensive driving course if the following condition applies to you:

If you receive 3 moving convictions in a 12 month period


You are convicted of going over the speed limit by 25 to 29 MPH

Under normal conditions you will be required to take the DMV course at a local community college

Take Note: If you did not comply with the Iowa defensive driving/improvement program, the state will revoke your driver license.

If you have a need for additional information or requirements or if you have any questions, you should direct such inquiries to the Iowa Department of Transportation.

Upon completion of the required course, you will still be placed on probation for a period of 1 year. Any other traffic conviction by you during the probation period will lead to a suspension of your driver license.

Your traffic violations will be tracked by the DMV office.

When you voluntarily take the required defensive driving course, you will get a discount on your auto insurance.

Generally defensive driving/traffic school discount is provided to elderly and teenage drivers, nevertheless other drivers regardless of their ages could also qualify for the discount as well.

If you need additional details please contact your insurance company.

All driver improvement courses will cover the following areas regardless of whether your course is mandatory or voluntary.

Violations of any Iowa traffic laws

All moving traffic violations including its consequences

Drug Abuse/Alcohol violations

Road sharing violations

Tips to enable you understanding defensive driving

All sessions of the required defensive driving courses whether online or classroom will need from 4-12 hours to complete

The course provider of the traffic school course will determine the duration of the course when taken voluntarily

You will need to take a final exam after you complete the course

If you pass the exam, a defensive driving completion certificate will be provided to you

You may be required to submit your certificate depending on your circumstance to the following:

To the traffic court which required you to take the course

To the DMV office of the state of Iowa


Your auto insurance company

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